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Training Testimony

Training Testimony

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Training Testimony

Training Testimony

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Glenda Jordan
Healthcare Manager, GA

I just would like to take the time out to thank my Personal Trainer (Carlos Morgan) for getting me on the right track and helping me to achieve my health fitness goals.  I wanted to shed some unwanted pounds as well as tone up my body.  I talked to Carlos about my situation and gave him a time-line of how long I thought it should take me because that's how dedicated I was to lose the weight.


Well, Carlos listened to what I wanted to accomplish and he told me he would call me back with the plan.  He was very thorough and suggested things that I should and should not do to prevent injury.  Lord and behold, the game plan was on.  Within the first week I lost 7lbs. I was so determined.


As the weeks came and passed each week I was losing 2 to 4lbs.  I was so excited! So, after 12 wks of hard work and dedication I was down 28lbs. I feel so good not to mention the toning of my body. BTW - I live here in GA. while Carlos is residing in Tampa, FL.  Technology is a great tool!  


I texted him my meals everyday and my exercise agenda.  He taught me to keep track of my heart rate and he would always advise me not to overdo it by wanting to work out more than once a day.  He says once a day is plenty. I would still like to lose about 10 more pounds.  I am still working with Carlos on that task. I am also in the gym now working on upper and lower abs every day.  Dedication is key so, please join me on this journey I can assure you, you will not regret the results.

Ginger R. Johnson
CEO/ Spice Girls of Tampa Bay

Carlos goes above and beyond to condition, educate, and train you to be have the best body you can have. He's patience, but firm in getting you to your goals. Awesome trainer!!

Anthony A.
Manager at Bush Gardens

In the past 4 years, I've had a total of three personal trainers. Carlos is by far the best trainer I've had. You'll love him for 23hrs a day and hate him during your 1 hour session (that's a good thing!!)

Cristiana W.
Christiana Photography

"I am a much healthier, slimmer, stronger, and happier person and a kickboxing addict by now. Carlos, thank you. You are the best!"

Treniece T.
Insurance Account Supervisor
Joey J.
Senior Staff Writer, Tampa Tribune

"Very quickly it became evident that Carlos had a wide range of expertise in physical conditioning, weight training, and nutrition. And that knowledge has unquestionable worked to my benefit. But Carlos is a special trainer- and a special person- because of his interpersonal skills. Anyone can memorize an exercise routine, and pass along that technique to someone else.


Carlos goes way beyond that minimum competency. Hel knows how to motivate and inspire. He knows when to gently encourage and when to get tough. In short, he knows people and how to get results."

Hello I'm Treniece! I started my adventure with Carlos about A little less than a year ago now.  I've always been the one to take care my health, but found myself using my family history as an excuse for stay at the weight that I became content with, because I was never comfortable with the way my body image reflected in the mirror. When I was much younger I was very much active and enjoyed lots of outdoor activities and took part in many sports.


I found myself, as I got older, trying to jungle life and find time to actually care for myself very difficult. My health wasn't necessarily on the bottom of the to- do list, but pretty darn close. When I met Carlos he not only explained that my health is not only important for me but more importantly, my family.


When using the word "diet," I had to realize that dieting works from the inside out and really and truly becoming a new lifestyle to greater and successful ME! For me, Carlos not only was a great trainer, he became a lifetime friend. He became that extra encouragement to push me beyond the limit and to strive me to be better overall in nursing school, raising my daughter as a single parent, and making me believe in my own self-worth.  He is a true blessing not only to me, but many others that have had just a peek of what he has to offer. 

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